Friday, January 29, 2010


Here is a video of Daphne playing under her gym. (don't forget to turn the music off at the bottom of the page before you play it)

Coos & Smiles

So Nick discovered that Daphne likes him to lightly blow on her face. Here is a video of what she does. She now even antisipates it and will smile before he does it. It is really cute. (scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit pause on the music so that you can hear her over the music)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2 Months

Daphne went to her 2 month check up today and she weighed in at 11 Lbs 6 Ozs and she is 23" long now. Nick and I had bets on how much she weighs and he won with a guess of 11 Lbs 4 Ozs. The doctor said she is doing great and she is in the 75% for both height and weight but only the 18% for head circumfrence. She got her shots and did really well...she cried of coarse but stopped as soon as Nick picked her up and we got a smile out of her shortly after. She is spending most of the day sleeping now.

She is starting to push alot with her legs when she is on her stomach now and will roll onto her side sometimes from her stomach so I don't think it will be too much longer before she rolls over onto her back. So we have to really watch her when she is up on things like the couch and changing table. Nick also discovered that she likes it when he blows on her face. She smiles really big and coos and a few times it sounded almost like she was going to laugh. So cute :)

I don't have much for new pictures. I took one before she went to sleep and then one of her sleeping but that is about all she is doing today. Which is quite all right...she needs her rest. :) I also have a picture of her and Shannon from when her and Mike came over for dinner the other night.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Getting Big

Daphne is getting big and changing so much. She will be 2 months old on Monday and has her 2 month check up on Tuesday. We are anxious to see how much she has grown. She is starting to really soak in the world around her. She is very alert and enjoys playing with some of her toys now. She loves to look around her room and really likes being up on her changing table. We have realized that she likes to be high up so that she can see around better so we put her bouncer up on the table and she loves it. She also loves her baths. She is a very smiley happy girl. Elton is doing really well with her. He has to be near her most of the time and is getting much better at being gentle when he sniffs her.