Helping us take the ornaments out to decorate the tree.
Daphne has been pretty good about not touching the tree after being told no a few times. However she did pick up this present and then shake her head no the whole time she held it like she knew she wasn't supposed to have it.
We got a new couch a couple of weeks ago and Elton hates it! It is higher than our old couch and he doesn't like the texture of it. He will usually only lay on a blanket on it. The other night we came home and since there wasn't a blanket on the couch for him to lay on he resorted to this pillow. He is trying to get his whole body on the pillow so he doesn't have to touch the couch. Such a silly dog we have :)
Daphne got this little baby for her birthday and has been carrying it around ever since. It is the perfect size and she likes to occasionally chew on her hands and feet. It is really cute how she crawls around with her. Nick asked her what her babies name is and she mumbled something that he thought sounded like Bridget so her name has offically become Bridget. If you ask her where Bridget is she will look for her.