Sunday, April 10, 2011

little busybody

Daphne discovered that olives fit perfectly on her little fingers. Such a classic kid thing but I thought it was cute she figured it out on her own without us showing her.

Daphne loves catalogs. Her favorites are pottery barn kids and guitar center.

Daphne loves playing on our bed and if I open the blinds in our room Elton likes to be up there too.

I love this one because they both have the same pouty face.

She used to not want anything in her stroller and if you put a baby in it she would always take it out. Well, now she wants all of her babies in her stroller.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Photos by Eim Song

This weekend a friend I work with Eim took some pictures of Daphne and I. I am so happy with how great they turned out. Since it takes a while to upload them I just uploaded some of my favorites. Next we plan on having her take some pictures of all of us including Elton. Nick was working when we took these which is why he is missing.