Friday, December 2, 2011

Hello 2!

For Daphne's second birthday, which was the day after Thanksgiving, we decided to go over to the coast. A good friend of ours and his two boys came with us and Daphne had an absolute blast.

Here she is in her hiding spot for a little game of hide and seek with Ryan. She had a little bit of help from me for this spot. Walking Elton around the house before we left for the beach.

Stopping to give Elton a kiss.

Chandler, Daphne and I in the tube at the aquarium.

Checking out the giant crabs.

My favorite are the jelly fish.

Waving to the fish.

More interested in watching the other kids touch the anenomies than touching them herself.

Ryan and Daphne.

Her birthday cake. Sorry I don't have any pictures of her with it since we videotaped her blowing out her candles instead of taking any pictures.

Walking around in her new tutu that she calls her favorite dress and her new dress-up shoes. She just did laps around the house only stopping to change shoes here and there.

Ryan being such a great helper.