Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wedding at the beach and trip to the Zoo

Sorry these ended up out of order. Daphne and I recently went to my cousin Joe's wedding on the coast. Nick had to work so it was just Daphne and I. She absolutely loved the beach so we will hopefully be able to take a family trip back soon.

Eating chips with Astoria at the reception.
Little Terrance flirting with us during the ceremony.

I love this picture of Astoria (the flower girl) playing in the sand and Michael (ring barer) doing so good standing up at the front.

Who needs a bucket and a shovel....

My brother Aaron, Grandma Minnie, Daphne and I.

Chasing the seagulls on the beach.

Watching the "Ele-pant" eat. The elephants were her favorite. She must take after her momma :)